Charities and Helplines

Whether you're looking for help or want to volunteer, discover charities and helplines in the United Kingdom with our directory:

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Switchboard LGBT+ helpline provides a listening service by phone, email, and instant messaging. LGBT+ people can contact them confidentially for advice and support. They can also refer you to local support, social groups, and advise loved ones with concerns. Find a supportive voice at Switchboard.

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Lets talk about it

Lets talk about it is an online service from NHS Solent, providing sexual health information guidance and support. They address STIs including HIV, emergency contraception, pregnancy, and more. Visit their website to find appointments, clinics, and advice on sexual health concerns.

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Brook is a charity that helps young people in Britain take control of their sexual health, enjoy healthy relationships, and explore their identities. Their website offers a wealth of information and a directory of sexual health services. Check out their website to learn more.

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Rotary International

Rotary International is a global service organization with local groups located throughout the world. With over 1.2 million members, Rotary International communities work together to promote peace, fight conflict, and improve the lives and wellbeing of people around the world.

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Lions International

Lions International is a global, non-political volunteering network and service organization. Around the world, clubs follow the guiding principles of the Lions International group, improving lives and communities through kindness. Find your nearest Lions International chapter today.

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The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is a Christian church and international charitable organization. The group provides help, support, and emergency humanitarian aid to those in need throughout the world. Embedded in Christian teachings, the Salvation Army has a global membership of millions.

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Befrienders Worldwide

Befrienders Worldwide is an online network helping people connect with helplines aimed at suicide prevention. Their network of over 300 support centers in 32 countries can provide locally-sensitive guidance and support. Befrienders Worldwide is led through volunteer action.

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Child Helpline International

Child Helpline International is an online platform for helplines throughout the world. Wherever you are, you’ll be able to access a local helpline that can help give you the advice and support you need. Take advantage of Child Helpline International and find the right help for you.

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