Expatica Impressum

Technical person responsible according to TMG (Telemedia Act) and RStV (State Treaty on Broadcasting and Telemedia):

  • Founder: Mark Welling
  • Telephone: +31 (0) 23 512 8940
  • Expatica Communications B.V.
    Wilhelminastraat 15
    2011 VH Haarlem
    The Netherlands

Technical person responsible according to TMG (Telemedia Act) and RStV (State Treaty on Broadcasting and Telemedia):

Image Sources

Editorial address

  • Contact: Mark Welling
  • Telephone: +31 (0) 23 512 8940
  • Expatica Communications B.V.
    Wilhelminastraat 15
    2011 VH Haarlem
    The Netherlands

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