About the UK

Get an introduction to all the essentials of life as an expat in the UK, from the climate to the cost of living and how to stay updated with local news.

Bank holidays

Bank holidays in the UK: public holidays in 2024 and 2025

Living in the UK? Here’s a list of all the UK bank holidays you need to know in 2024 and 2025, as well as other dates to make a note of.

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United Kingdom

An introduction to the United Kingdom

We provide a brief history of the United Kingdom and outline how the government works and what you need to know about people and society.

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UK language

Languages in the UK

We explore the origins and characteristics of English, and other official languages in the UK, and provide information on where to learn it.

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United Kingdom facts

30 interesting facts about the United Kingdom

Is the UK truly the land of fish and chips, stamps and polite queuing? Does the king really send a telegram on your 100th birthday? Test your knowledge of the United Kingdom with these 30 facts about Britain.

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Man reading The Guardian, with a headline "Putin invades".

Where to get the news in the UK

It’s hard to escape the news in the UK. Whether it’s good or bad, discover how to stay in touch with what’s happening around the world and in your own backyard.

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Emergency number UK

Emergency phone numbers in the UK

We outline the main emergency phone numbers in the United Kingdom, as well as details of the main emergency services in the UK.

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Cost of living UK

Cost of living in the UK

Find out the prices in the United Kingdom for housing, food, transport, and more with our guide to the cost of living in the UK.

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British people

Tips for understanding the British people

When you think of the UK, what images come to mind? This guide provides clues to British culture.

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Best apps UK

Top must-have apps in the UK

Just moved to the United Kingdom? Find out which apps you need to download onto your phone with our list of the top 10 must-have apps in the UK.

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