
Money Management

How to find a financial advisor in the Netherlands

Hoping to take some of the strain out of your move to the Netherlands? A trusted financial advisor in the Netherlands can help you look after your affairs and guide you through the move to your new country.

Financial advisor Netherlands

By Expatica

Updated 22-2-2024

Starting a new chapter of your life in a different country can be a complicated business, especially if you don’t speak the language.

With this in mind, it’s important to find a trusted voice to help you with the mechanics of your relocation and the various administrative tasks you’ll need to undertake when moving to the Netherlands.


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How to find an expat financial adviser

There are various ways you can find an English-speaking financial adviser to aid you with your move and your finances once you’re in the Netherlands.

First, you can look at our provider listings to find the range of services that available in your new city. Another option is to get involved with community groups. Take recommendations from other expats about the advisers they used when moving to the Netherlands.

You can do this by looking through message boards and forums. Join expat groups in your new area on social media. For example, local parenting groups on Facebook can be a great place to get advice from people in the same situation.

If you’re already in the Netherlands, you’ll find financial advisers are easy to track down in directories or online.

In truth, though, if you can make plans for sorting your finances ahead of moving, perhaps by purchasing a relocation package from a financial adviser, this can save you lots of stress further down the line.

Why use a financial adviser in the Netherlands?

It can sometimes be hard enough to understand the mortgage and insurance systems in your home country. That’s when providers are speaking a language you already know.

The little things can often present the biggest problems, too. For example, you won’t be able to get paid until you’ve got a Dutch bank account. The clock is ticking on signing up for a health insurance plan.

A good English-speaking financial adviser offers a range of packaged and customized services. They’ll help with everything from mortgages to insurance. In a new country, you’re naturally going to be worried about getting taken for a ride. But by choosing the right adviser you can ensure independence and no questionable links with companies.

How do financial advisers offer help in the Netherlands?

Financial advisers can offer their expertise across a range of platforms, including face-to-face, over the phone, or, if you’re planning your finances ahead of your move to the Netherlands, through Skype consultations.

Some financial advisers offer these services individually. For example, tax advisers and mortgage advisers work exclusively in their own specialist areas. Other larger companies use their networks to offer either set packages to cover everything from setting up your bank account to recommending insurance for you when you arrive in the country.

Getting a bank account in the Netherlands

It might sound obvious, but your new life in the Netherlands won’t be much fun if you can’t get your hands on your money. This means that setting up a Dutch bank account should be top of your list when you move.

Bank accounts don’t differ significantly in the Netherlands from elsewhere in Europe. But you might not be familiar with who offers you the best deal – or have any knowledge of banks such as ABN-AMRO or ING.

An adviser can help you with the administrative procedure of getting the right account as a foreign customer. They’ll ensure you don’t sign up for anything with high withdrawal or transfer fees.

Property advice for expats

If you’re renting a home in the Netherlands, the process can be complicated, especially in cities such as Amsterdam where there is fierce competition for the best properties and a significant housing shortage.

If you instead choose to buy a property, you’ll need to get a mortgage agreement in principle. This may work differently than you’re used to in your home country. Finding the right mortgage in the Netherlands is one of the main areas that financial advisers will help you with. Some companies, like Expat Mortgages, specialize in helping internationals finance their new homes.

Other financial services for expats

With the likes of house and liability insurance in the Netherlands, a simple web search will bring up various options. Many will simply be through price comparison sites, which offer a confusing array of packages from different providers. This means it’s important to find an adviser who can guide you suitably through the process.

Expat financial advisers can also help you in what might seem like niche areas when you first move. These can include everything from investment advice to managing your stock portfolios and retirement planning.

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