Government & Law

Navigate the Dutch government and legal system like a pro: get crucial information about your rights, governance, justice, and social security.

The Buitenhof in The Hague, the Netherlands

The Dutch government: politics in the Netherlands

Who is Dick Schoof, where is the Tweede Kamer, and does the king even do anything? Find out in this article on the Dutch government.

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Dutch holidays

Dutch public holidays: important dates in 2024 and 2025

Here are the Dutch public holidays you need to know in 2024 and 2025, as well as other important dates to make a note of on your calendar.

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Large crowd is protesting the government’s support for the fossil fuel industry during a 2023 Extinction Rebellion protest. They're standing behind some barricades, facing a large police presence.

14 weird Dutch laws that exist today

What ridiculous laws can land you in Dutch jail? From foraging to making chalk art, here are 15 examples of crazy laws in the Netherlands.

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The Burgerservicenummer: getting a BSN in the Netherlands

You won’t get very far in the Netherlands without a Burgerservicenummer. From banking to housing, the Dutch BSN is a must-have.

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Child benefits Netherlands

Child benefits in the Netherlands

You can claim different types of child benefits in the Netherlands, to help with the costs of child-rearing, schooling, and childcare.

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Social security Netherlands

Social security in the Netherlands

Expats in the Netherlands must pay social security. Find out about contributions and claims in case of illness, pregnancy, or unemployment.

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Emergency numbers in the Netherlands

Having some problems in the Netherlands? This list of Dutch emergency numbers and helplines will get you out of any sticky situation.

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Crime in the Netherlands

Crime and the legal system in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is one of the safest countries in Europe with a low crime rate, but as with any country you should still take reasonable steps to protect yourself.

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Coronavirus Netherlands

Coronavirus in the Netherlands: where to find COVID-19 information

Where can you find information on coronavirus in the Netherlands? Use our guide for official resources and the latest regulations.

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Dutch elections

Dutch elections and voting in the Netherlands

Curious about democracy in the Netherlands? Here’s all you need to know about Dutch elections, from who can vote to when, where, and how.

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Human rights Netherlands

Human and civil rights in the Netherlands

From the right to protest to protection from discrimination, here’s what you need to know about human rights in the Netherlands.

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Netherlands drug policy

The soft drug policy of the Netherlands

Natasha Gunn reports on the Netherland’s unique approach to drug use and preventive measures.

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