
Finding a Job

Finding jobs in Brussels

Looking for jobs in Brussels? These tips will get your job search started to help you find your ideal job in Belgium’s international capital.

Jobs in Brussels

By Expatica

Updated 7-2-2024

If you’re looking for jobs in Brussels, you’ll find an international workplace, a multilingual environment, and plenty of jobs for multi-skilled workers. There are many places to search for jobs in Brussels, such as online job sites in Brussels, recruitment agencies, and local newspapers. Whichever method you choose to search for a job in Brussels, work can always be found with the right dose of experience and perseverance.

Belgium’s multinational workforce is highly-skilled and language is key to landing a job in Brussels. Unemployment is relatively low in comparison to other European countries at 8.3% in June 2016 (ec.europa.eu). With many EU institutions, NATO and other major international organizations and multi-national companies based in Brussels, there are many job opportunities for foreigners in Belgium. But keep in mind it is not easy to make it through the tough Belgian laws. You’ll need the required documentation, which may include a Belgian work permit.

Besides reading about finding jobs in Belgium, here you can find more information on the job market in Brussels, work permits, and where to look to find vacancies.


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Jobs in Brussels

Brussels, being the seat of the European Parliament, can be a big pull factor for many expats looking to work abroad. If you would like to work in the European Parliament, you must pass a series of examinations. The procedure takes about a year, and at the end, a job is not necessarily certain. If working in the European Parliament is not for you, there are many other ways to find jobs in Brussels.

Most job vacancies in Brussels are for highly-skilled workers in the services sector. These sectors include finance, international businesses, estate agencies, education, public health, and social services. There is demand for engineers, technicians, architects, accountants, nurses, and midwives, IT staff, sales, teachers, administration, mechanics, and building trades.

Due to good connections, many expats live in surrounding areas and commute to Brussels – the hub for foreign workers. Belgium has good transport links; Brussels council reports that commuters who live elsewhere hold more than half of all jobs in Brussels.

Languages for jobs in Brussels

To compete for jobs in Brussels, you will likely need an excellent command of French or Dutch, or sometimes both. A third language such as English is either a bonus or a job requirement for jobs in Brussels. In the international arena, you will need English with French or Dutch as a working language. Any additional language is another advantage.

Finding a job in Brussels

For English speakers, Expatica jobs portal and news providers The European Voice and The Bulletin advertise international positions typically in managerial and consultancy roles, although a large range exists. You’ll also find several recruitment agencies in Brussels focused on expatriates, offering jobs at various levels. If you can communicate comfortably in French or Dutch, then the weekend or online editions of national newspapers are excellent places to start, such as Le Soir, La Libre, Het Laatste Nieuws, and De Standaard, which regularly advertise jobs in Brussels.

Each region of Belgium also has its own public employment office where you can browse job vacancies, upload a CV, search for training courses, or get advice on your job search from a consultant online or at a local office. Actiris covers the Brussels-Capital region, VDAB for Flanders, Le Forem for Wallonia, and ADG for the German community. Please note that these websites are in Dutch, French, and/or German only.

The EU employs over 40,000 people in various institutions, and many of these jobs are in Brussels. You do have to be a member of an EU country and usually fluent in two or more languages. For EU jobs, see the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO), or EuroBrussels, which shows jobs in EU organizations based in Brussels. EU citizens can also take advantage of the EU job portal, EURES.

Headhunting agencies are reasonably common in Belgium, but tend to specialize in executive positions.

Online jobs in Brussels

The internet is a good place to look for jobs in Belgium and throughout Europe (especially in your language). There many websites specifically for job hunters, just upload your CV and start your search. You can begin by using Expatica jobs for Belgium or visit other websites such as:

You can find more sites in our guide to finding a job in Belgium.

Recruitment agencies in Brussels

Recruitment agencies can be quite helpful and are popular in Europe, especially if you don’t know the local language as you can find recruitment agencies dedicated to certain areas, for example, English-speaking jobs. Even if language is not an issue, a recruitment agency can still be helpful in guiding you through the paperwork and contracts. Expatica’s A–Z listings also includes recruitment agencies in Belgium.

Jobs posted in newspapers in Belgium

Keep current with the news in Brussels, as well as national and EU news. It is also worth checking the employment sections in local news publications.

Here are some newspapers in Brussels:

Walk around

You can find a lot of advertisements hanging on the doors of restaurants, bars, shops in the busy shopping areas. Exploring your area on foot is another great way to find out what positions are available.

Getting a Belgian work permit

It’s no surprise that a foreign national who wants to take up employment in Belgium must obtain a work permit. There are three types of work permits available that vary from a limited or unlimited access to Belgium’s labor market: Type A, Type B, and Type C. Read more in our guide on work permits in Belgium.

The most common type of work permit for highly qualified third-country nationals is a Type B work permit, which is linked to a specific employer and has a limited validity period.

EU nationals

EU, EEA, and Swiss nationals do not need a work visa. If you have a permanent residence permit for an unlimited period of time, you also will not need to obtain a work permit.

For non-EU nationals

Type A visa

This visa is valid for all employers and types of paid occupations, valid indefinitely. To apply you must have resided legally in Belgium for a continuous period of five years, or have worked in Belgium for at least four years under a Type B permit within a 10-year residency, or be the spouse of someone who has. For certain conditions and nationalities, there is a chance to apply after two or three years.

Type B visa

This is the more usual work permit and is valid for a single employer for up to 12 months. It is renewable but a decision to renew is based on the state of the local labor market. If you change jobs, your permit is invalidated. To obtain this work permit, your potential employer must apply to the regional employment office. Once this is issued you are automatically eligible to apply for the Type B permit.

The work permit application is submitted by the employer or its representative to their Belgium regional employment authority. The employment authority issues a decision about two to four weeks after filing the application. If the employer receives a work authorization, then a work permit is issued to the employee, who can use the permit to support his/her residence permit or visa. Type B is usually valid for one year and renewed annually. Residence permits are valid for the same duration as the work permit (plus one month), and may be renewed along with the work permit.

Generally, in order for a Type B work permit to be approved, the area of work has to have a skills shortage or be in a special category – the government has a list. It may also be required to show that the role cannot be filled with an EU national, and that the intended employee has the necessary qualifications. An exemption from this exists for highly qualified third-country nationals and executive staff. Highly qualified personnel is defined as individuals who have completed higher education of at least a bachelor level and who are employed in that capacity with a minimum gross annual salary of €39,824 (2016), while executive staff is defined as staff holding a managerial position and who have a minimum gross annual salary of €66,442 (2016).

Type C visa

This temporary work permit is valid for up to 12 months, is renewable, and covers temporary residents and those waiting for a decision on their residency, such as spouses of EEA nationals or diplomatic workers, students, asylum seekers and so on. It is dependent on the person retaining their residence permit.

EU Blue Card

In addition to the Type B work permit, highly qualified third-country nationals, also referred to as highly-skilled migrants can also make use of the Blue Card scheme. The EU Blue Card is available to highly qualified third-country nationals who are subject to Belgian social security, have at least a bachelor degree and a minimum annual gross salary of €51,494 (f2016).

A Blue Card holder may reside and work in Belgium, and the card is valid for an initial 13 months and is renewable. The advantage of the EU Blue Card compared to the Type B work permit is that a cardholder has free access to the labor market after two years of employment on the Blue Card. In addition, the EU Blue Card holder can easily change employers without needing to apply for a new permit.

Self-employed professional card

Foreign nationals who wish to be self-employed in Belgium require a professional card. The employment authorities assess eligibility for a professional card on a case by case basis, and take into account the economic importance of the project for Belgium.

The only fixed conditions relate to the applicant’s legal right to stay in Belgium, the applicant’s compliance with regulatory requirements (particularly those related to the anticipated activities), and the interest of the project for Belgium (in terms of job creation, facilitation of import/export activities, innovative nature of the envisaged activities, etc.). Standard processing time for the professional card application is about three months.

The application procedure for jobs in Belgium

  • One successful ways to find work in Belgium is through speculative applications.
  • Mind the language differences in Belgium. Except in the bilingual capital, most Flemings do not appreciate being addressed in French; likewise Walloons won’t like to reply to an inquiry formulated in Dutch.
  • A Belgian employer will pay the most attention to experience, motivation, and social skills.
  • Prepare a Belgian-style CV and interview techniques; read how in our guide to applying for a job in Belgium. You can also use an online resume template service such as Resume.io.