Visas & Immigration

Learn how to apply for visas, residence, and citizenship in the Netherlands, whether you are immigrating for love, to find work, as a student, or simply for adventure.

Netherlands visa

Dutch visas: how to immigrate to the Netherlands

Thinking about going Dutch? Find out what you need to know about visas, residence permits, immigration, and more in the Netherlands.

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Partner visa Netherlands

Family and partner visas in the Netherlands

If you have a family member living in the Netherlands, find out if you’re eligible to join them with a family or partner visa.

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Netherlands work visa

Work-related visas in the Netherlands

Find out all about work visas in the Netherlands, including who needs one, how to apply, and the different types of permits available.

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The Burgerservicenummer: getting a BSN in the Netherlands

You won’t get very far in the Netherlands without a Burgerservicenummer. From banking to housing, the Dutch BSN is a must-have.

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Permanent residence Netherlands

Permanent residence in the Netherlands

After living in the country for five years, foreign nationals and their family members can apply for permanent residence in the Netherlands.

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Dutch citizenship

How to get Dutch citizenship

Become a citizen of the Netherlands and you’ll access a wealth of rights. Discover the different paths to Dutch citizenship and how to apply.

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Close-up of the cover of two Dutch passports

Getting a Dutch passport

Find out all you need to know about Dutch passports for expats, including benefits, eligibility, and how to apply for one.

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Netherlands student visa

Student visas in the Netherlands

Some students require a visa to study in the Netherlands. Find out whether you need one, how to apply, and what to do after your course.

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Highly skilled migrant Netherlands

Highly skilled migrant residence permit for the Netherlands

Find out if you are eligible for a highly-skilled migrant residence permit in the Netherlands and what rights it gives to your family.

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