Expatica news

Run the Brussels 20 KM for RETRAK and make a difference to the lives of street children!

It’s that time again! The Brussels 20 KM is just a few months away, so if you’re thinking about taking part it’s time sign up and get your running shoes on! Retrak has places available for supporters to take part in this popular race so if you want a challenge for 2011 why not sign up to run for Retrak and make a difference to the lives of street children?

The Race
The Brussels 20 KM race takes place on the 29th of May 2011. The route begins and ends at Cinquantenaire Park taking you through the beautiful streets and parks of Brussels. The number of participants is limited to 30,000 and the organisers expect there to be a high demand for places this year as in previous years.
For further details about the route please visit: www.20kmdebruxelles.be.

Running for Retrak
By choosing to run for Retrak in the Brussels 20 KM, you will help to make a real difference to the lives of street children. Your sponsorship money will help to provide vulnerable children with food, clothing, medicine, hygiene and somewhere safe to sleep. You will help children to return to a safe family environment, a foster family or the means to live independently by generating a sustainable income. But more than this, you will offer hope to vulnerable children with nowhere else to turn.

For more information please visit our new website: www.retrak.org.

Why Retrak?
In return for your participation in the race and sponsorship, Retrak will provide:

  • High quality running shirt or vest
  • Retrak staff presence on race day
  • Sponsorship pack including template letters and sponsorship forms
  • Fundraising hints and tips to help you generate sponsorship
  • Training support to keep you motivated

Want to take part?
Registration opens on 19 March, 2011 so if you want to take part, please contact [email protected] by Friday 10 March to guarantee your place. Participants must each agree raise a minimum of 120EUR in order to take part, but Retrak will be on hand to help you achieve this target and in the past some runners have raised up to 5,000EUR! Wherever possible, we would also encourage runners to approach their employer and local businesses to provide corporate sponsorship and take you closer to the target. In addition to this there is a registration fee of 20EUR that you must pay when we confirm that your place has been registered. For further information please reply to this email or call 0044 161 486 5104.

Thank you for your support and happy running!

Anna Richardson,
Tel: 0044 161 486 5104
Email: [email protected]