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Germany should allow Mubarak medical help: Luxembourg

Germany should allow Egypt’s embattled president Hosni Mubarak to receive medical treatment in the country if he requests it, Luxembourg’s foreign minister said Tuesday.

If Mubarak were to seek such treatment, “Germany should not refuse,” Jean Asselborn told the Tagesspiegel daily in an interview to appear on Wednesday.

Mubarak, who on Tuesday was facing continued protests calling for his resignation, has previously received medical treatment in Germany at least twice.

Berlin has strenuously denied that Mubarak has requested such a trip, either officially or unofficially.

But respected news magazine Der Spiegel has reported that advanced talks are ongoing “with appropriate hospitals”, citing in particularly the Max-Grundig clinic in the town of Buehl in southern Germany near the French border.

Last year, the 82-year-old had his gall bladder and a growth from his small intestine removed in an operation at the University of Heidelberg hospital, making a full recovery.