Expatica news

Two men shot dead

1 October 2004

BARCELONA –Police have launched an investigation into a double murder after two men were shot dead in Barcelona Friday.

Neighbours reported hearing shouts from a in the early hours of the morning in the Sants area of the city, a largely working-class district in the west of Barcelona.

Police found the bodies of the two men in a house. They had both been shot a number of times.

The dead men were a 47-year-old Spaniard, named only as V.S.L and a Venezuelan aged 32, who has not been named.

The murder squad of the regional Catalan police have begun an investigation into the double murder.

Police sources refused to speculate on what lay behind the shooting.

The shooting happened at around 5am Friday. Both bodies have been removed for  post-mortems to be carried out.

[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news