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Zapatero: ‘We kept promisesover Iraq, education’

17 May 2004

MADRID – José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero said Monday that helping peace and education were the best achievements of his government’s first month in power.

The Spanish premier was referring to pulling the troops out of Iraq and raising the number of educational scholarships.

Zapatero said the Socialist administration had fulfilled its obligations since it came to power just 30 days ago.

He said: “Peace and equality and peace and education are values which are central to this government.

“To fulfil our word is a way of giving our citizens confidence in us.”

He added that he believed this would lead many who voted Socialist on 14 March in the general election to support the Left during the forthcoming European elections on 13 June.

Zapatero made the comments at a PSOE meeting in which he praised party workers for working with “humility and honesty”.

Referring to the European elections, he said that “nothing was written” and the result could not be taken for granted.

[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news