Expatica news

Zapatero to name new US ambassador

21 June 2004

MADRID – Former Spanish Foreign Minister Carlos Westendorp y Cabeza will be chosen to replace Javier Ruperez as Spain’s ambassador to the United States, it was reported Monday.

Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero plans to announce the appointment at his next Cabinet meeting, the Spanish daily El Pais reported.

Westendorp, a lawyer, has an extensive background in international relations and is considered one of the driving forces behind Spain’s integration into the European Union.

He has held various diplomatic posts within the European Community.

The 67-year-old diplomat was named Spain’s ambassador to the United Nations in 1996 by then-Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar.

A year later he served as an international mediator in the former Yugoslavia and International High Representative in Bosnia.

He also represented the Socialists in the European Parliament from 1999 to 2003, when he handed in his resignation to run for office in Madrid.

Westendorp is divorced and has three children.

[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news