Expatica news

Young voters targeted with energy drink

26 January 2005

MADRID-A new high-energy drink publicised by celebrities is being used in an effort to get young people to vote in Spain’s impending referendum on the proposed EU Constitution.

‘Referendum Plus’ is being promoted by, among others, the Real Madrid vice president and former star Emilio Butragueno and former FC Barcelona player and manager Johan Cruyff.

The Spanish government’s department of youth education, which is leading the campaign to get younger voters to back the EU Constitution when the country votes on 20 February, will give out 232,000 cans of the drink.

“The energy drink which will make you want to vote”, is the slogan which is being publicised in advertisements targeted at young people.

Campaign organisers claim the drink will “fight laziness and apathy”.

Campaign ‘commandos’ will give-out cans of the drink to young Spaniards along with leaflets which explain what the referendum and the Constitution is about.

They will distribute the drink in universities, squares, libraries, youth centres, bars, cinemas and clubs.

[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news