Expatica news

Wikipedia-like site will resolve language doubts

11 January 2008

MADRID – A new website inspired by the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia will help users resolve doubts over the use of the Spanish language.

The Fundación del Español Urgente (Fundéu) on Thursday presented Wikilengua, a collaborative effort that will seek contributions from writers, linguists, translators, editors, journalists, students and anyone interested in the Spanish language.

This website "does not aim to replace any encyclopaedia or institution," said Víctor García de la Concha, the president of Fundéu BBVA and director of the Real Academia Española, the top language authority.

The developers of Wikilengua trust that users will identify and correct the mistakes that some people might introduce in the system. A team of experts will also filter entries to guarantee a certain degree of objectivity.

[Copyright EL PAÍS 2008]

Subject: Spanish news