Expatica news

Viruses galore on the internet in Spain

3 August 2004

MADRID – Some 122 million cases of computer virus have been detected on emails in Spain over the last three years according to the warning centre Red.es.

The centre’s figures are the result of analysing around 900 million emails, using a network of sensors to check on messages sent out by more than 60 organisations.

Centro de Alerta Temprana Antivirus Red.es – to give it its full Spanish title – published its findings on Tuesday to coincide with the third anniversary of the centre’s creation.

The sensors cover a whole range of public and private organisations, including investigation centres, ministries, universities and regional autonomous governments.

While the findings help to improve security for all citizens, the centre says the figures show that computer bugs – known as ‘gusanos’ (worms) in Spanish – remain a “problem for email security”.

Once a virus is detected, Red.es has an alert system which sends out warnings by email to those affected.

[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news