26 May 2004
MADRID – The Spanish government said the US-British draft for a new UN resolution on Iraq “can and must be improved”, it was reported Wednesday.
The US and Britain have pledged to hand over control of power to an Iraqi government by 30 June.
They have said they will allow the provisional government to have a say on military action, although American and British forces will still be commanded by their own military chiefs.
Both Tony Blair and George W Bush have denied apparent policy splits between the two allies.
Foreign Minister Angel Moratinos said the draft had “positive” aspects and “is a good basis for the initiation of the dialogue,” in which Spain “will contribute … (so that) beginning June 30, the people of Iraq can feel (that they are) sovereign and liberated.”
However, Moratinos added, Spain was waiting for clarification on the future relationship between multinational forces and the provisional Iraqi government.
He also said the amount of time multinational troops will stay in Iraq has yet to be clarified.
Moratinos said the Spanish prime minister supports establishing a time limit on the presence of international troops in Iraq, an issue that will be discussed in a “constructive spirit” with the five permanent representatives on the UN Security Council: the United States, France, Britain, Russia and China.
[Copyright EFE with Expatica]
Subject: Spanish news