Expatica news

Two brothers confirmed among dead terrorists

20 April 2004

MADRID – Two brothers wanted by investigators hunting the Madrid bombers were among the terrorists who blew themselves up, it was confirmed Tuesday.

Mohamed and Rachid Oulad Akcha were identified by forensic scientists as being among the seven who died when they set off a bomb in an apartment in Leganes, a suburb of Madrid, on 3 April.
One police officer was killed and ten others injured.

The two were identified through DNA samples, sources close to the investigation said.

International arrest warrants for the brothers had been issued on 31 March by the judge presiding over the investigation, Juan del Olmo.

They were among six suspects which security services across Europe were hunting.

The brothers were related to Naima – the only woman who has been detained in connection with the investigation – and Khalid, who was arrested and later released.

They were thought to have been responsible for obtaining the explosives used in the bomb attacks.

Among the other terrorists who died in Leganes was the ‘mastermind’ behind the attacks, Serhane Ben Abdelmaji, ‘the Tunisian’, Jamal Ahmidan, known as ‘the Chinese’ and Abdennabi Koujaa and Asri Rifaat Anouar.

One other body has yet to be identified.

[Copyright  EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news