Expatica news

Travel reps disappear with cash

16 July 2004

BENIDORM — Two British travel reps have disappeared after GBP 2,000 (EUR 3,008) went missing from a holiday company, it emerged Friday.

Stuart Lyons, 27, and Stacey Beveridge, 23, left the Eva Mar Hotel in Benidorm last week on the same day they were due to deposit takings from day trip sales in a safe.

Concerned colleagues raised the alarm and then discovered the pair had left with all their belongings.

The couple, who are from Scotland, joined Airtours at the start of the season in May.

MyTravel, Airtours’ parent company, confirmed an investigation was under way into the incident on July 8.

A spokeswoman said: “The police have been contacted and are currently investigating, we are assisting them with their inquiries.”

[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news