Expatica news

Three soldiers injured in ambush

9 April 2004

MADRID – Three Spanish soldiers were wounded, one of them seriously, in an ambush in the Iraqi city of Diwaniyah, it was reported Friday.

The injured soldiers were a captain and two privates, stationed with the Plus Ultra II Brigade.

The seriously wounded soldier’s life is not in danger, doctors treating him for damage to one eye and the neck reported, as no vital organs were damaged, the Defence Ministry said.

The three men were attacked by members of the so-called Al Mahdi Army as they crossed a bridge.

“They were patrolling on foot, escorted by an armoured vehicle that was hit by two RPG grenades,” a ministry spokesman said.

The soldiers were hit by shrapnel.

The three were rushed to a mobile hospital on the grounds of the Spanish base, where one of the soldiers remains.

The other two, who sustained minor wounds to the face and hands, were later discharged.

According to the ministry, the ambush took place at the end of an peaceful day in Diwaniyah.

[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news