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Teenager arrested for supplying 11 March explosives

14 June 2004

MADRID – A teenager and another man were arrested Monday for allegedly supplying explosives to the Islamic terrorist group behind the 11 March bombings, police said.

Sources said the teenager was arrested in Avilés in Asturias in northern Spain at about 3pm.

The other man was arrested in Salinas, near Castrillón, in the same area of Asturias about an hour later.

Both are being taken to Madrid for questioning.

Meanwhile, the judge in charge of the investigation into the 11 March bombings was Monday hearing evidence from six suspects arrested for allegedly supplying explosives to the Islamic terrorists.

Judge Juan del Olmo was expected to hear testimony from six of the eight suspects who were arrested last week.

They allegedly helped to supply the Goma 2 Eco explosives to the gang of Islamic terrorists who carried out the attacks in which 192 died and more than 1,500 were injured.

They include Carmen Toro Castro and her brother Antonio, Emilio Llano, Javier González Díaz, nicknamed ‘The Dynamite’, Iván Granados Peña and Rubén Iglesias.

The only woman in the group, Carmen Toro Castro,  is the wife of ex-miner José Emilio Suárez Trashorras, who is accused of selling the explosives to the terrorists for cash and drugs.

Trashorras, who was arrested on 23 April, is currently in jail.

Trashorras was said to be a contact for a police inspector Manuel García Rodríguez, based in Aviles in Asturias in northern Spain near the mine  where the explosives used in the attack were said to have been stolen.

They were said to have been in contact after the 11 March attacks.

Garcia Rodriguez has also been accused of using others involved in supplying the explosives as contacts after the attacks.

The two other suspects arrested last Friday were named as Raúl González Pérez and Gonzalo López González, both miners who worked at the Conchita mine in Asturias.

[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news