Expatica news

Struggle to identify bomb victims

15 March 2004

MADRID – Forensic pathologists were still trying Monday to identify 37 victims of the bomb attacks in Madrid.

The attacks have claimed 201 lives so far, including 35 foreigners.

Of the 266 people still being treated in hospital, 14 are said to be in an extremely critical condition.

Some of the wounded left their sick beds Sunday to vote in the election that gave the opposition Socialist Party a surprise victory.

The Interior Ministry has now identified most of the dead and wounded on its website.
It confirmed that 1,163 people had been treated for injuries after the attacks on trains in Madrid Thursday morning.

Of those, 266 people remain in hospital, with 138 in a serious condition, 17 critically ill and 14 extremely critical.

Authorities in Madrid said of the foreign nationals killed in the blasts, 14 were from Europe, 17 from Latin America and four from Africa.

The foreigners who lost their lives were from Bugaria (one), Romania (eight), Poland (four), France (one), Ecuador (five), Peru (three), Honduras (two), Colombia (three), Cuba (one), Dominican Republic (two), Chile (one), Morocco (three) and Guinea (one).
An estimated 37 people have yet to be identified.

[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news