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Spanish PM ‘shocked’ at Kirchner’s death

Spain’s Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero expressed his “deep shock” at the sudden death on Wednesday of former Argentine president Nestor Kirchner, his office said.

Zapatero sent a telegramme to Kirchner’s widow, Argentina’s current leader Cristina Kirchner.

“Still deeply shocked by the sad news of the death of former president Nestor Kirchner, I would like to convey my sincere condolences on behalf of the Spanish government and myself,” it said.

“Please be assured, dear president and friend Cristina, that the love of the Spanish people will be with you at this time of deep sorrow.”

Spain’s foreign ministry also issued a statement expressing the government’s “sorrow” over the death.

“President Kirchner will be remembered with affection and appreciation for his hard work and dedication that enabled Argentina to recover from the serious crisis in which it was immersed when he became head of state,” it said.

Nestor Kirchner, president of Argentina from 2003 until 2007, died earlier Wednesday of a heart attack at their family home near the southern town of El Calafate.