Expatica news

Spanish forces clash with Iraq rebels

13 April 2004

BAGHDAD – Three Spanish armoured vehicles clashed Tuesday with members of radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr’s militia in Kufa, the Arab satellite news network Al Jazeera reported.

The fighting occurred during the early morning hours of Tuesday in the city of Kufa, some three kilometres (less than two miles) from the Spanish military force’s Al-Andalus base, in southern Iraq.

Al Jazeera did not provide further details about the clashes or information about possible casualties.

The report on the fighting has not been confirmed by officials.

Incoming Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has said he will pull Spain’s 1,300 troops out of Iraq unless the United Nations takes over the Iraq occupation by the end of June.

The Socialists won the 14 March general elections against the conservative Popular Party, which had governed for eight years and, despite overwhelming popular opposition, staunchly supported Washington’s invasion of Iraq.

[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news