Expatica news

Spain to speed up 11 March compensation

14 June 2004

MADRID – The Government promised Monday to speed up compensation for the victims of the 11 March terrorist attacks.

Officials also called on victims or their relatives to come forward and claim compensation payments from the Interior Ministry.

María Teresa Fernández de la Vega, vice-president of the government and the Interior Minister Antonio Alonso, told a press conference Monday that relatives of 92 people who were killed have already been paid various sums of compensation.

Ninety-seven other cases are pending and the relatives of two other victims could not  be found.

The Government is to launch a publicity campaign to try to encourage potential claimants to come forward victims.

It is also working with the Madrid city council to try to trace other victims.

The bombings on 11 March killed 192 people and left more than 1,500 injured.

[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news