Expatica news

Slow cooking movement to sprout online arm in January

12 December 2007

BILBAO -Basque chef Karlos Arguiñano popularised the slow food phenomenon, slow cooking, on television. In January, slowcooking.tv will take the movement online to the web-savvy masses. The site will provide 24 hours of recipes, ingredients, trends, and shots of famous people in the kitchen, all for "real" food lovers.

The slow food movement’s secretary general Paolo Di Croce describes it like this: "We want to protect the table’s pleasures in the face of fast food and some of modern life’s dietary habits."

And slowcooking.tv hopes to be a powerful medium toward achieving these goals: goals that over 80,000 slow food organisation members in 104 countries already subscribe to.

The idea to start the new website was born from a random connection between Basque restaurant owner Juan Carlos Bilbao, young cook David Asteinza, and businessman Mikel Urmeneta; three men who all describe themselves as casual professionals and food lovers.

"In the Bilbao festival, we saw the possibility of bringing everything surrounding the kitchen to the internet, with a high quality and for all income levels," Bilbao explains.

[Copyright EL PAÍS, SL./ TXEMA G. CRESPO 2007]

Subject: Spanish news