Expatica news

Security tightened at Madrid airport

15 March 2004

MADRID – Security checks on airport workers and crews were tightened Monday in the wake of the bomb attacks in Madrid.

Aenas, which runs most major airports, said from Monday the security checks on employees and air crews will be the same for passengers boarding flights with hand luggage.
The restrictions are to apply first at Barajas airport in Madrid.
The new measures are designed to stop potential terrorists posing as air crews from taking bombs or other prohibited items onto flights.

Security measures were tightened under an EU regulation which was introduced in the wake of the 11 September attacks in the United States.
All airport employees who have to enter restricted zones will be given security identification cards.
If they refuse to comply with these controls they would be denied access to security-sensitive areas.
Private security firms have been employed to help implement tighter controls.
Airport sources told EFE news agency between ten and 15 more security guards were employed to check employees.
[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news