Expatica news

Royal tour of Americas starts

17 November 2004

ROSARIO, ARGENTINA- Spain’s King and Queen were taking part in a Spanish language conference in Argentina.

The Royal couple arrived in Rosario, in northwest Argentina, late Tuesday, where they are scheduled to participate in the opening ceremony for the 3rd International Congress of the Spanish Language.

King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia, who will be in Rosario for some 20 hours as the first stop on their nine-day tour through the Americas, are also scheduled to meet with Spanish citizens who live in Rosario, located some 300 kilometres (185 miles) northwest of the capital.

On Wednesday, the king is expected to speak at the congress’ opening ceremony before meeting with Argentine President Nestor Kirchner.

Earlier in the day, the royal couple will also inaugurate an exhibition for Spanish writer and journalist Ramon Gonzalez de la Serna in the Rosario Provincial Historic Museum, where they are scheduled to speak to cultural representatives of this city.

Following the event, they are will attend an official luncheon with Kirchner in the headquarters of the Rosario stock exchange.

The last meeting on Juan Carlos and Sofia’s agenda in Rosario will be a reception for the local Spanish community in the Parque de España Cultural Center, which was inaugurated in 1992 with Princess Cristina in attendance, and where the 16-meeting language congress is being held.

The royal couple’s hemispheric tour will continue in Colombia before they travel to Costa Rica, where they will attend the 14th Ibero-American Summit. They will conclude their trip on 24 November with a luncheon with U.S. President George W Bush and his wife on their Texas ranch.

[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news