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Right targets Zapatero as election gets personal

3 March 2004

ALMERIA – Mariano Rajoy, leader of the ruling conservative Popular Party, Wednesday targeted his socialist opposite number as the election race became more personal.

Rajoy questioned the “personality, conviction, firmness and approach” of  José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, head of the main opposition PSOE party.

He challenged Zapatero’s record when he was part of the socialist government of Felipe Gonzalez between 1986 and 1996.

Rajoy asked how Zapatero could promise the Spanish people that if he won the 14 March general election, he would not “rob” them.

In a reference to Zapatero’s term in office during the previous socialist government  of Felipe Gonzalez, Rajoy hinted that another socialist government would also be corrupt.

Gonzalez’s 14-year government between 1982 and 1996 was wracked by a series of financial and social scandals, none of which involved Zapatero. 

Meanwhile, Zapatero promised Wednesday that, if elected, his government would build  180,000 new houses each year during his first term of office.

He also said his government would provide 90,000 new flats to rent and offer others for sale between EUR 48,000 and EUR 96,000.

[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news