Expatica news

Poll shows Muslims’ “absolute integration”

12 December 2007

MADRID – Three out of four Muslims residing in Spain say they are happy to do so, according to a new government-sponsored poll that officials argue highlights the “absolute integration” of approximately one million Muslims immigrants into Spanish society.

The survey, conducted for the Justice, Interior and Labour ministries and published Tuesday, portrays Spain’s Muslim population as well-integrated and generally content, a sentiment that intensifies the longer they have been here.

The poll found that 74 percent of Muslim residents are happy living in Spain, although among those who have been here more than 10 years the figure rises to 83 percent. The freedom to practice their religion was the principal factor respondents cited for their happiness. However, the poll also showed that two percent support the use of violence to spread their beliefs.

[Copyright EL PAÍS, SL. 2007]

Subject: Spanish news