Expatica news

Phone call price cut for expats

24 March 2004

MADRID –Spain’s biggest telephone provider Telefonica is to drop prices for some international calls in an effort to attract more expats to use its service, the company said Wednesday.

Calls to countries where there are substantial immigrant communities in Spain are to fall by 2.15 percent.

The new prices are to come in from 1 April, the company said.

But monthly charges for renting lines are to rise by 4.5 percent – an average increase of EUR 0.55.
The charge will still be lower than Germany, Belgium, Holland, Austria, Luxemburg and Ireland.

The fall in the price of international calls is aimed to attract immigrants which have large communities in Spain.

The biggest price cut will be 45 percent for calls to the Dominican Republic, with 15 percent cuts for calls to Ecuador.

These countries have two of the largest immigrant populations in Spain.

Other “significant” cuts are to be made to calls to Colombia, Morocco, Poland and Romania.

[Copyright  EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news