Expatica news

Moratinos to visit crisis-torn Sudan

3 September 2004

VIENNA – Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos is to travel to Khartoum this month to personally assess the humanitarian crisis in Sudan, it was reported Friday.

Sudan’s western Darfur region is gripped by a violent civil war .

The conflict has prompted the United Nations to claim refugees are victims of a government-backed “genocide” carried out by Arab militia supported by the Khartoum regime .

Moratinos made the announcement after hearing details of a report on Sudan presented Thursday in New York by the UN’s representative in the African nation, Jan Pronk.

“Upon my return during the (UN) General Assembly week, I will present my impressions and conclusions on the situation,” Moratinos said, emphasizing that his mission would be part of Spain’s effort as current president of the UN Security Council.

As part of a two-day official visit, Moratinos arrived in Vienna Thursday where he met with his Austrian counterpart, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, to hold talks on bilateral issues and the European Union.

[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news