Expatica news

Madrid, Washington in terror finances talks

29 April 2004

MADRID – Spanish Interior Minister Jose Antonio Alonso and US Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge reinforced their countries’ joint commitment to fight international terrorism, it was reported Thursday.

The Spanish Interior Minister spoke by telephone to his opposite number in Washington.

Officials later said the pair discussed a number of points related to international terrorism, including ways to halt the financing of terrorist activities.

Alonso also promised to visit the United States in the next few weeks to discuss these topics in greater detail.

Other issues dealt with by the two men included the need for increased air security to prevent terrorist attacks similar to the September 11 strikes on the United States.

They also discussed the maritime security risks associated with the international shipping of goods, an issue for which Ridge expressed particular concern.

Spain and the United States, both members of the Security Assistance Group for this year’s Summer Olympics in Athens, also stressed their determination to ensure public safety at the Games.

[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

 Subject: Spanish news