28 May 2004
MADRID – The judge leading the hunt for the terrorists behind the 11 March bombings issued an international arrest warrant Friday for an Algerian suspect.
Judge Juan del Olmo said DNA traces belonging to Daoud Ouhnane were found on a bag which contained bomb detonators.
The bag was discovered on a lorry at Alcalá de Henares, outside Madrid.
The judge also said DNA samples of Ouhanne had also been discovered in the house at Morata de Tajuña, south of Madrid, where the bombs used in the attacks were said to have been made.
Police have also found a bank book in the remains of the flat in Leganés, a suburb of Madrid, where seven tourists blew themselves up on 3 April.
The group, who were said to have carried out the devastating attacks in Madrid, were surrounded by police when they set off explosives and killed themselves.
One member of an elite police squad also died in the blast.
The bank book was last used on 12 March in the area of Corella in Navarra in north-western Spain.
The bomb attacks on four commuter trains in the rush-hour in Madrid killed 192 and left at least 1,500 people injured.
[Copyright EFE with Expatica]
Subject: Spanish news