Expatica news

Hundreds of hospital files dumped

17 December 2004

MALAGA- An investigation has been opened after hundreds of medical files on children treated at a hospital in Malaga were found dumped in an industrial estate.

The local newspaper La Opinion de Malaga reported that the files were found in an industrial estate near Malaga.

The children involved had all been treated in the Hospital Materno-Infantil of Malaga.

The reports contained all the names, ages and medical details of the children.

María de los Angeles Prieto, spokeswoman for the Carlos Haya Hospital in Malaga, said it was “tremendously serious”.

The Carlos Haya Hospital has opened the investigation into how the files went missing from the hospital.

Prieto said it was possible the files disappeared due to human error or were stolen.

She apologised “deeply” for the distress that the affair may have caused to the parents of the children involved.

[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news