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Germany says ‘open’ toward Italy’s new populist govt

Germany on Friday vowed an “open” stance toward Italy’s incoming populist and anti-austerity government made up of the anti-establishment Five Star Movement and nationalist League.

“We will take an open approach toward this new government and of course do our utmost to ensure good cooperation, in line with the close German-Italian relations,” said chief government spokesman Steffen Seibert.

Asked about the new government’s eurosceptic stance, he said that “we all face great challenges in Europe, and most of these challenges will not be solved nationally but jointly, through cooperation and through a united European stance”.

“All of us face the task of building unity, to listen to each other, to maintain the dialogue on the issues and to find solutions.”

On Spain — where parliament Friday ousted Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy in a no-confidence vote — Seibert said that Germany wanted “close and trusting cooperation” with the new government of Socialist Pedro Sanchez.

Rajoy had “made a decisive contribution to Spain’s effort to emerge, under its own steam, with smart policies and reforms, from its economic and financial crisis” to boost growth and create jobs, Seibert said.