Expatica news

Gaddafi gives Spanish king his tent

21 December 2007

MADRID – Libyan leader Moamer Gaddafi has given Spain’s King Juan Carlos the Bedouin tent he used during his recent visit to Madrid, the daily ABC reported Thursday.

The tent was set up in the gardens of the Pardo Palace outside Madrid during the visit. Gaddafi used it to receive visitors, but lodged inside the palace.

On leaving Spain on Tuesday, Gaddafi left King Juan Carlos the tent measuring 120 square metres with its carpets, a sofa, two armchairs and two tables. The furniture was described as not being especially valuable.

Officials were pondering over how to use the gift.

Gaddafi has a tendency to give presents that it was difficult to put to practical use, ABC observed. Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, who is not known to ride horses, was given a saddle.

In 2003, then Spanish premier Jose Maria Aznar was given a race horse during his visit to Tripoli. The beautiful animal named "The flash of a leader" now spends peaceful days in stalls of the paramilitary Civil Guard.

[Copyright dpa 2007]

Subject: Spanish news