Expatica news

Family-friendly web guides to Spain

17 September 2008

MADRID — Two expat mothers, frustrated by the lack of clear and practical information available for families with children in Spain, started their own websites.

Kids in Barcelona
was set up in October 2007 and Kids in Madrid was set up in June 2008 by Emma Grenham and Paloma Irving respectively to provide useful information for families with children both visiting and living in these two cities.

For visitors to Spain
Both websites inform readers of child-friendly activities and locations, such as parks, playgrounds, museums, sporting events, terraced restaurants and cinemas in each city. Calendars of events can help parents plan their visit.

For internationals living in Barcelona and Madrid
The websites offer resources on local language courses, international grocery stores, bilingual schools and playgroups, and information on managing immigration-related bureaucracy. Kidsinmadrid.com and kidsinbarcelona.com also provide online forums for parents to ask questions or share advice about their relocation.

For more information, contact:
Paloma Irving, [email protected] from Kids In Madrid
Emma Grenham, [email protected] from Kids In Barcelona