Expatica news

Expatica Café opens in Brussels!

The Café has an international atmosphere and exceptional facilities, suitable for both business and social purposes. The Café provides a venue for people from all over the world – a place where they can meet colleagues and friends, a place where they can learn about living in Belgium.

In addition to social and professional networking, the Café will also hold personal development workshops, host self-development materials and offer a place where the international community can share their skills and experiences.

Expatica customers will also be able to use the venue for their own workshops, meetings and events – at a very reasonable price.

The bar and grill are open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner. The café also hosts a self development library, meeting / networking spaces and even offices / desks for hire.

The Expatica Belgium team will be located here.
Expatica Cafe Brussels
10:00-22:00 14/01/2010

rue Francois Gay 152,

Phone: 0478 482 023

For more information about the Expatica Café, please contact Chalks Corriette: [email protected]

The Expatica Café is Managed by Red Invest