Expatica news

ETA terrorists sentenced to 100 years in jail

10 June 2004

MADRID – A Spanish high court has sentenced two Basque terrorist operatives who sought to kill police officers and former government officials to more than 100 years in prison each, it was reported Thursday.

The court, the Audiencia Nacional, said ETA members Imanol Miner and Mikel San Argimiro conspired to set up car bombs with the intent to kill police officers as well as former Socialist ministers Jose Barrionuevo and Matilde Fernandez in Madrid in 2002.

The court declared Miner and San Argimiro guilty of two charges of terrorist conspiracy and four counts of attempted murder, along with other weapons and robbery charges.

Following their arrest on 14 May 2002, police searched the men’s home and found “numerous weapons, explosives, fake documents and other material for use in the commission of illegal acts.”

[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news