13 December 2007
MADRID – Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is planning to pitch his trademark Bedouin tent in the gardens of the Pardo Palace when he makes an official visit to Spain next week, diplomatic sources confirmed yesterday. The palace is often used by visiting leaders from abroad, and used to be the residence of the dictator Francisco Franco.
The rest of Gaddafi’s visit to Spain is still sketchy on the details, given the difficulty of finding suitable hosts for the Libyan leader who made an official visit to France this week. The initial, private part of his stay was rumoured to be taking place in Córdoba, although the official destination has since been announced as Seville.
Meanwhile, the head of the Pro Human Rights Association of Spain called yesterday on Prime Minister Zapatero to demand that Colonel Gaddafi respect human rights in Libya “to the maximum.”
[Copyright EL PAÍS, SL. 2007]
Subject: Spanish news