Expatica news

Chávez greets Prince Felipe with bonhomie

11 December 2007

MADRID – Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez greeted Crown Prince Felipe of Spain with an informal “How are you doing?” when the two met Sunday night in Buenos Aires in what diplomats said could signal a thaw in Spain’s recent icy relations with Venezuela.

The meeting, on the eve of the swearing-in of Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, was the first between Chávez and a member of Spain’s royal family since King Juan Carlos famously told the outspoken Venezuelan leader to “shut up” at the Iberoamerican Summit in early November.

After greeting Felipe, Chávez spoke at length with Spain’s secretary of state for Latin American affairs, Trinidad Jiménez.

[Copyright EL PAÍS, SL. 2007]

Subject: Spanish news