17 December 2007
BILBAO – The brand new leader of the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV), Iñigo Urkullu, on Sunday made his first controversial decision by announcing a series of meetings with all political forces in the Basque Country, including the outlawed Batasuna, the political arm of ETA.
Urkullu’s stated goal is for Basque society to move forward "with or without ETA." The move, due to be approved today by the PNV leadership, comes on the heels of fresh ETA violence, including the killing of two Civil Guard agents in France and yesterday’s bomb in Sestao.
"Scorn and rejection of ETA have not been enough until now," said Urkullu. "The PNV is not willing to put Basque society on the same ferris wheel of attacks, condemnations and outlawings that have only perpetuated a very difficult situation for Basques."
[Copyright EL PAÍS, SL. 2007]
Subject: Spanish news