Expatica news

Banks raise EUR 11m for victims

8 April 2004

MADRID – A month after the Madrid massacre almost EUR 11 million has been raised by banks and financial companies for the victims, a banking federation said Thursday.

The cash is to be handed to the government and the Association for the Victims of Terrorism, which was originally set up to help ETA targets and their families.

The Confederation of Spanish Savings Banks (CECA) said some banks would set up scholarships for the children of victims.

Other financial companies had not yet decided how they wanted to contribute to the fund.

CECA has given EUR 10m but the fund was still open for donations from members of the public.

Some funds aimed at covering the costs incurred by the terror attacks from hospital bills, funeral costs or other financial needs.

Banesto, one of the biggest Spanish banks, started the biggest initiative to help the victims of the bombings, giving EUR 500,000 towards paying off any victims’ debts or loaning cash to pay off other bills which the relatives of the victims faced.

The bank had two funds, one public and the other for their own employees. The bank’s own fund will be duplicated by the company later.

The BBVA bank, one of the first to set up a fund, has given EUR 500,000 for the children of the victims.

Barclays is taking part in a fund with various other companies, organised by the Company and Society Foundation.

The bank has also set up an internal fund for its employees.
The Banco Popular has already received more than 200 contributions to its fund and is keeping it open.

Through the internet, ING Direct has received EUR 400,000 in a fund which is to be given to the Association for the Victims of Terrorism.

The association itself has raised EUR 100,000 from the public.

[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news