Expatica news

Assassin breaks down over thought of effects on sons

26 July 2007

MADRID – The Spanish bank robber and assassin known as The Loner became emotional in custody in Portugal at the thought of how upset his half-British sons would be to
learn of his arrest, El Pais said on Thursday, citing police sources.

Jaime Jimenez Arbe – nicknamed el Solitario by Spanish police and media – was
arrested in Portugal on Tuesday allegedly on his way to rob another bank.

He faces charges of murdering two policemen and committing more than 30 bank
robberies in his home country.

El Pais said he broke down at the mention of his sons, aged 17 and 19, children from
his marriage to a British woman from Manchester.

During his first court appearance in Portugal in Figueira da Foz, he shouted at
journalists: “Hello to all, I am The Loner! Cheers, Spaniards!”

Spain’s attorney general said Spain would ask for the extradition of El Solitario
during the next few days. One possibility would be that Spain tries him for all his
crimes including charges against him in Portugal, he said.

The Loner was considered Spain’s public enemy number one. In recent years, police
have released a number of CCTV clips showing a man in various disguises, including
false beards and hairpieces, in a bid to close the net on the robber.

The Loner’s most serious offences concern the gunning down of three police officers
after two robberies.

[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news