Expatica news

Al-Qaeda suspect must await extradition hearing

29 November 2004

HAMBURG- A German court rejected a bid by a suspected top Al-Qaeda member for early release from custody pending a decision about his extradition to Spain for trial.

A spokeswoman for the regional superior court in Hamburg, northern Germany said Syrian-German national Mamoun Darkazanli must remain in custody until the federal constitutional court has ruled on his expulsion.

The constitutional tribunal accepted a last-minute appeal by Darkazanli’s lawyers last Wednesday after the lower court in Hamburg had ruled that he could be handed over to Spain.

The constitutional court’s decision may suspend his extradition for up to six months.

Spain accuses Darkazanli of having provided the Al-Qaeda terror network with logistical and financial support since 1997.

He is also alleged to have had ties to the three Hamburg-based men who hijacked US passenger planes for Al-Qaeda on 11 September, 2001 and flew them into New York’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon outside Washington.

Darkazanli denies any terrorist activity, admitting only that he knew the three hijackers “by sight”.
[Copyright EFE with Expatica]

Subject: Spanish news