About being an Expat

Get an introduction to all the essentials of life as an expat, from essential tips for expat women to questions you'll hear the most often (plus, typical answers we always give!).

Couple packing moving boxes.

10 important tips for first-time expats

Moving abroad for the first time is a scary proposition. These tips will set first-time expats on the right track to a positive life abroad.

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Questions that every expat gets asked

7 questions every expat gets asked when they move abroad

We share the most common questions that expats get asked when they move to a new country and get chatting with the locals and fellow expats.

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Moving to a new country alone

Moving to a new country alone

Making the decision to move abroad on your own is a big step. It’s the perfect opportunity to go off and explore the world, boost your self-confidence, and make new friends. But it can also seem intimidating and scary at the same time. Don’t be put off by the difficulties; moving to a new country alone could be the best decision of your life.

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Famous expatriates

10 famous expats who found success abroad

Choosing to move abroad takes courage, spirit, and determination. If you’re looking to boost your career or follow a great opportunity living in a different country, then these famous expatriates may inspire you to make that move.

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Expat mental health

Expat mental health: 10 tips for your wellbeing

Life abroad can be challenging at times, but these mental health tips for expats will help you look after yourself in your new home.

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Expat woman

Tips for expat women

For an expat woman, moving abroad can be exciting but scary. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your adventure.

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Expat life

The realities of expat life

The idea of living abroad is a fantasy for many, but it’s important to remember that expat life isn’t all parties and weekend trips. What’s expat life really like after the initial sparkle fades away?

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People walking on a zebra crossing in Vienna, Austria.

The difference between expats and immigrants

It’s easy to compare the dictionary definitions, but the way expats vs immigrants are used tells you a lot about how they are perceived.

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New Year's resolutions

New Year’s resolutions only expats will understand

Looking to make some positive changes in your life this coming year? Well, these common expat New Year’s resolutions might inspire you.

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