Children's Education

Learn about the education systems abroad: local public and private schools, international curriculum options, and the calendar of school holidays.

Expat children and language learning

Expat children and language learning

Is your child already speaking the local language? Sometimes the challenges that face expat children and language learning are larger for the parents than for the children themselves.

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Finding a school

Finding a school program in a new country

Choosing whether to send your kids to a local school or an international school while living abroad can be a tough decision. Here are some tips for finding a school abroad.

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How to address a teacher around the world

How to address a teacher around the world

Does your child call their teacher by their first name, surname, or something completely different? Explore all the various ways students address their teachers in 20 different countries around the globe and how this reflects the social hierarchy and culture there.

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International school

How do I choose a good international school?

International schools continue to gain a reputation for preparing children for English-language higher education opportunities throughout the world. As an expat parent, what should you look for when you’re choosing a school for your child?

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International Primary Curriculum

Learning with the International Primary Curriculum

A globalized world requires a globalized way of teaching students, especially at their formative early years. What is the International Primary Curriculum and how is it addressing the needs of today’s primary school students?

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IB program

The International Baccalaureate Diploma

International Baccalaureate is a pre-university education curriculum that prepares students for challenges in the future. But did you know the IB program is available all over the world?

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Hire an au pair

Seven reasons for expat families to hire an au pair

Raising children is a tough job, especially if you’re an expat living abroad without the help of extended family. But if you hire an au pair, you can reclaim some of your time and provide an enriching experience for the whole family.

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Bilingual education

The advantages of an early bilingual education

Considering a bilingual education for your child? We look at the advantages of early bilingual education and what it means for your child.

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Mom and child sitting at a laptop and book balancing pencils on their lips

How to help your kids with homework when you don’t speak the language

It’s every expat parent’s biggest fear: figuring out how you can help your children with their homework if you don’t speak the language.

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