Public holidays

Holidays & Celebrations

Public holidays in Belgium in 2025

Learn all about Belgium’s public holidays in 2024, 2025, and 2026, as well as other important dates to mark on your calendar.

Belgium holidays

Updated 7-2-2025

In Belgium, businesses are typically closed on public holidays, so it’s important to know when they are. Annually there are 10 national holidays for workers, seven of which have fixed dates each year.

To ensure you don’t miss out on anything important, read this list of Belgium’s holidays and observances:


Discover the excitement of Walibi’s roller coasters and enjoy a family-friendly day out with a range of gentle rides, thrills, and captivating live shows. Visit Walibi for an exhilarating experience and wonderful entertainment for visitors of all ages.

An overview of public holidays in Belgium

Most of the holidays in Belgium are observed nationwide. However, some holidays only apply regionally for the country’s three language communities:

  • Dutch-speaking Flanders
  • French-speaking Wallonia
  • German-speaking provinces in eastern Wallonia

Businesses are typically closed on public holidays (Dutch: feestdag, French: jour férié), with the exceptions of police stations and hospitals. This is increasingly changing, however.

Christmas celebrated outdoors with crowds of people in Grand Palace, Brussels. The buildings in the square are illuminated with colourful lights
Christmas at Grand Place in Brussels, Belgium (Photo: Carlos Alkmin/Getty Images)

One of the most important holidays is Belgium’s national day (Belgian Independence Day). This day is celebrated with big festivities and military shows. There are also plenty of popular local festivities, such as Carnival and a number of top Belgian festivals, which are not official public holidays.

When the country’s holidays fall on a Thursday or Tuesday, some companies close on the Friday or Monday to make the bridge. This ensures that employees get a long weekend away from work.

The law prohibits working during national holidays in Belgium, although exceptions exist. In such situations, an employee should receive a compensation day within six weeks following any holiday they worked.

It’s important to note that if a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the holiday does not typically transfer to another day in the week.

When are Belgium’s public holidays in 2025?

1 JanuaryWedNew Year’s Day
18 AprilFriGood Friday
21 AprilTueEaster Monday
1 MayThuLabor Day / May Day
29 MayThuAscension Day
30 MayFriDay after Ascension Day
9 JuneMonWhit Monday
21 JulyMonBelgium National Day
15 AugustFriAssumption of Mary
1 NovemberSatAll Saints’ Day
11 NovemberTueArmistice Day
25 DecemberThuChristmas Day
26 DecemberFriBoxing Day

Local holidays in 2025

8 MayThuFeast of the Iris – Feast Day of the Brussels-Capital Region
11 JulyFriCelebration of the Golden Spurs (Day of the Flemish Community) – celebrates the victory of the Count of Flanders and the borough militia against the king of France outside Courtrai
15 SeptemberMonFeast Day of the Walloon Region
27 SeptemberSatDay of the French-speaking Community – commemorates the victory of the patriots against the Dutch army in Brussels in 1830
15 NovemberSatDay of the German-speaking Community – the date a decree was published to prescribe the arms, flag, colors, and community day of the German-speaking area

Other important dates in 2025

6 JanuaryMonEpiphany
11 MaySunMother’s Day
8 JuneSunFather’s Day
15 NovemberSatKing’s Day – although not a public holiday, most government offices close
6 DecemberSatSaint Nicholas Day – when Sinterklaas/Saint Nicolas fills children’s shoes with presents
31 DecemberWedNew Year’s Eve

When are Belgium’s public holidays in 2026?

1 JanuaryTueNew Year’s Day
3 AprilFriGood Friday
6 AprilMonEaster Monday
1 MayFriLabor Day / May Day
14 MayThuAscension Day
15 MayFriDay after Ascension Day
25 MayMonWhit Monday
21 JulyTueBelgium National Day
15 AugustSatAssumption of Mary
1 NovemberSunAll Saints’ Day
11 NovemberWedArmistice Day
25 DecemberWedChristmas Day
26 DecemberThuBoxing Day

Local holidays in 2026

8 MayThuFeast of the Iris – Feast Day of the Brussels-Capital Region
11 JulyFriCelebration of the Golden Spurs (Day of the Flemish Community) – celebrates the victory of the count of Flanders and the borough militia against the king of France outside Courtrai
15 SeptemberMonFeast Day of the Walloon Region
27 SeptemberSatDay of the French-speaking Community – commemorates the victory of the patriots against the Dutch army in Brussels in 1830
15 NovemberSatDay of the German-speaking Community – the date a decree was published to prescribe the arms, flag, colors, and community day of the German-speaking area

Other important dates in 2026

6 JanuarySunEpiphany
10 MaySunMother’s Day
14 JuneSunFather’s Day
15 NovemberSunKing’s Day – although not a public holiday, most government offices close
6 DecemberSunSaint Nicholas Day – when Sinterklaas/Saint Nicolas fills children’s shoes with presents
31 DecemberThuNew Year’s Eve

When were Belgium’s public holidays in 2024?

1 JanuaryMonNew Year’s Day
29 MarchFriGood Friday
1 AprilMonEaster Monday
1 MayWedLabor Day / May Day
9 MayThuAscension Day
10 MayFriDay after Ascension Day
20 MayMonWhit Monday
21 JulySunBelgium National Day
15 AugustThuAssumption of Mary
1 NovemberFriAll Saints’ Day
11 NovemberMonArmistice Day
25 DecemberWedChristmas Day
26 DecemberThuBoxing Day

Local holidays in 2024

8 MayWedFeast of the Iris – Feast Day of the Brussels-Capital Region
11 JulyThuCelebration of the Golden Spurs (Day of the Flemish Community) – celebrates the victory of the count of Flanders and the borough militia against the king of France outside Courtrai
15 SeptemberSunFeast Day of the Walloon Region
27 SeptemberFriDay of the French-speaking Community – commemorates the victory of the patriots against the Dutch army in Brussels in 1830
15 NovemberFriDay of the German-speaking Community – the date a decree was published to prescribe the arms, flag, colors, and community day of the German-speaking area

Other important dates in 2024

6 JanuarySatEpiphany (Three Kings’ Day)
12 MaySunMother’s Day
9 JuneSunFather’s Day
15 NovemberFriKing’s Day – although not a public holiday, most government offices close
6 DecemberFriSaint Nicholas Day – when Sinterklaas/Saint Nicolas fills children’s shoes with presents
31 DecemberTueNew Year’s Eve

When are the Belgian school holidays?

If you want to know when your children have a vacation, read more about school holidays in Belgium.

Looking for things to do with your little ones on their day off? Why not check out:

  • Bellewaerde Park: Belgium’s oldest theme park near Ypres, with rides, attractions, and an animal park
  • Domaine des Grottes De Han (Domain of the caves of Han): Located in Walloni, this safari park is great for spotting wild animals. For adventure-seekers, you can also take your child into the stunning naturally-formed Caves of Han.
  • Walibi: Near Wavre, this theme park is full of exciting rides. Don’t forget to check out Aqualibi, too, the water park next door.

Stephen Maunder

About the author

An award-winning finance writer and editor, Stephen has been writing for Expatica since 2016, covering a range of financial topics across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

Over a decade in journalism, he’s worked for breaking news broadcasters, industry publications, and national magazines.