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Zuma vows ANC will rule South Africa ‘forever’

South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma vowed on Wednesday that his ANC party will rule Africa’s wealthiest nation “forever” as the country gears up for elections expected within months, a local newspaper reported.

“We will continue to run this government forever and ever. Whether they (detractors) like it or not,” Zuma was quoted as telling ANC supporters in Zulu, one of the local languages.

He was speaking during an impromptu door-to-door campaign in a township in Mbombela, the capital of northwestern Mpumalanga province where the party will on Friday launch its election manifesto and kick off the polls campaign.

He urged his supporters to vote in numbers to ensure that the African National Congress (ANC) garners 90 percent of votes in the province, already a stronghold.

Observers predict a fall in nationwide support for the ANC this year, to around 60 percent or less.

Repeated corruption scandals, increasing crime levels, poverty, high unemployment levels and internal bickering are hurting the ANC’s popularity.

The country’s largest labour union, the National Union of Metalworkers’ of South Africa, decided last month to ditch the ANC and will not campaign for it nor support it financially in the upcoming polls.

But the ANC leader scoffed at suggestions that support for his party is waning.

“They are dreaming while they are awake. We are going to hammer them,” said Zuma in remarks quoted and translated by the City Press. “We are stronger than before”.

ANC spokesman Jackson Mthembu confirmed to AFP that Zuma had been quoted correctly.

The president’s statement infuriated the opposition which accused him of using intimidating tactics.

“The ANC is resorting to scaring and intimidating voters,” said James Masango, chairman of the opposition Democratic Alliance in the Mpumalanga province.

“These thinly veiled threats are symptoms of a party and a president that is feeling the heat,” added Masango in a statement.

Masango labelled Zuma’s statement as “anti-democratic” and “unbecoming” of a president of a republic.

In 2008, Zuma also declared that his party would “rule until Jesus comes back”.

Zuma, 71, was first elected to office in 2009. As the party’s leader he is almost certain to be its presidential candidate in the polls whose date has yet to be fixed.