Expatica news

Farnham Castle, Roffey Park to provide intercultural and leadership training

Intercultural training organisation, Farnham Castle, has announced it is to work with Roffey Park Institute, a leading leadership and management institute, to offer programmes for intercultural awareness and leadership.  

“There is a clear synergy between the intercultural training we provide at Farnham Castle, and the calibre of Roffey Park’s leadership programmes,” confirmed Jeff Toms, director of marketing and client services at Farnham Castle. “We are excited about this initiative which combines our quality resources with the aim of widening the breadth and scope of the programmes available to both organisations’ international corporate customers.    

The organisations ultimately envisage creating a unique course aimed at international managers in addition to a joint research project as well as marketing initiatives such as mutual web presence.   

“Our portfolio of leadership and management programmes cover areas including personal effectiveness, people management and leadership skills as well as the development of effective coaching capabilities," explained Michael Jenkins, chief executive at Roffey Park. “However, we believe that successful international managers need to acquire a set of intercultural awareness skills so they develop a personal affinity with the culture(s) they are working within. 

“We always say, there are two parts to the development of the successful international manager – the cerebral and the functional,” continued Jenkins. “Therefore, bringing together these two key elements through established leaders in these fields makes complete sense, as we can now diversify our offering. In other words, now Roffey Park will provide the hearts and minds and Farnham Castle, the arms and legs.” 

For more information about the new programmes call 01252 721194. Information about Farnham Castle can be found at www.farnhamcastle.co.uk.


Farnham Castle / Expatica